Environmental Impact (200 KB)
This statement is a one-page summary of ERIC's capability to undertake environmental impact assessments. This describes a framework for the impact assessment including landscape, land use, and economic, social and environmental aspects. This would benefit enterprise site selection and development assessment processes.
Resource Risk (200 KB)
This statement is a one-page summary of ERIC's capability to undertake risk management assessments. This involves a multi-level process to numerically score risk management performance. This would benefit applications in identifying and prioritising management actions, assessing overall viability and reducing compliance risks.
Climate (772 KB)
This statement is a two-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on climate evaluations where climatic conditions impact on a site, crop, plantation or other resource performance. This process includes climatic data integration to assess multiple requirements of climatic and other land resource conditions (eg. aspect, slope, soil properties, cold air drainage, etc.)
Vegetation and Land Cover (488 KB)
This statement is a two-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on vegetation and land cover assessment. This includes land use, remnant vegetation, vegetation clearing, pasture/crop condition, fire scars and hazards, and other impacts.
Fire (456 KB)
This statement is a three-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on fire mapping and management. This includes both vegetation and climate mapping to formulate a risk assessment and management profile.
Soil (1.3 MB)
This statement is a four-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on soil property mapping over regional, farm and paddock scales. ERIC has developed a world leading and award winning technology that uses gamma-ray data to map soils. This technology is the most cost efficient and effective technique available, and can be tailored to client needs for soil properties, eg. soil structure, chemistry and biology.
Dryland Salinity (536 KB)
This statement is a four-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on soil salinity over regional, farm and paddock scales. ERIC uses a unique awarding mapping technology and field techniques to map natural salinity pathways. This technology is the most cost efficient and effective technology available for local governments and catchment management boards or authorities.
Water (564 KB)
This statement is a two-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on the water resources for a region, catchment or farm. This includes drainage, dams, soil moisture variability, waterlogging, flooding, irrigation soil wetness variability and groundwater resources.
Surface Water (556 KB)
This statement is a two-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on surficial water conditions over regional and local scales. This includes a wide range of resource data sets to define surficial water conditions and extents. The process can include modelling from point data sources.
Groundwater Bore Location (548 KB)
This statement is a three-page summary of ERIC's capability to map and consult on groundwater resource availability. ERIC provides a comprehensive mapping service using radiometric, magnetic, gravity, geology, satellite and terrain (eg. elevation) data to locate both shallow and deep groundwater resources with a high level of accuracy.