Review of the MDB Guide (150 KB)
Provides a comprehensive review of the 2010 Murray Darling Basin Guide.

An Examination of the Declaration of the Staaten Wild River Area (181 KB)
The report provides comment on the declaration for the Staaten Wild River Area under the Queensland Government Wild Rivers Act (2005). Most of the considerations are general but specific issues are addressed for the Strathmore property. Figures are presented in a separate file below.
Staaten Wild River Figures (6.8 MB)
Managing Water (266 KB)
The current focus on water has arisen against a background of 30 years of neglect. With drought highlighting the importance of water sectoral interests have attempted to maintain or improve their position. This has exacerbated the situation and further eroded the rights of some landholders. The paper examines the current water savings initiatives in the context of the broad constraints by way of water availability, use and value. Potential developments are examined by way of the options and constraints to change.
Development of Chain of Ponds (253 KB)
Processes underlying the formation of chains of ponds are identified and discussed in relation to changes to landscapes caused by agriculture. Management actions that promote the development of chains of ponds are identified, addressing the management of hill slopes as well as flats and stream lines. Examples are given for implementations by farmers.

Water Directions (104 KB)
This paper addresses the water crisis in Australia and the failures within bureaucracy to properly plan and implement the strategies for water security. We do not have a crisis in water supply or water management technologies: we have a crisis in water governance. The paper proposes new approaches and actions for water production and management. This includes a 10 point plan to secure new water production, water use and recycling.
Primary Water (102 KB)
There is a looming water crisis in Australia, particularly for urban areas. Rural areas are also under pressure because they do not have access to the large water storages of major cities and regional towns. While some irrigation areas will mange on limited supplies many dryland farmers have had their groundwater supplies cut, and often this water is the main water that sustains their business. However, most Australians relies heavy on surface water supplies that will always be limited, and perhaps become increasingly polluted.
Australia has to become far more efficient at water use and minimise water wastage. These strategies alone will not the secure the water reserves that the Australian economy needs for nation building. There is a new source of water that is available for all Australians, yet is not part of the national water plan. However, firstly we must ask, how was water first produced within and on Earth, and in such great quantities, and does this production system still exist today?